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Microsoft Powerpoint 2017 free download - Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, Microsoft Powerpoint 2016, Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File … 使用 Microsoft PowerPoint 模板,提升演示文稿效果。这些 PowerPoint 主题具有引人注目的图形和系列布局选项,可为你的内容增添影响力,更充分地吸引受众。 寻找简洁、现代的感觉?尝试 PowerPoint.中的“水汽尾迹”主题。 重要: 某些较旧的视频文件格式可能无法在 Windows RT PC 上的 Office 中正确地压缩或导出。 请使用 H.264 和高级音频编码 (AAC) 等 PowerPoint 2013 RT 支持的现代媒体格式。 想知道您正在使用哪个版本 … While Microsoft’s PowerPoint presentation templates are all professionally designed and require only the lightest touch when filling in your relevant data, they can also be heavily modified. If you prefer a more hands-on and involved approach with your presentations, each PowerPoint template is easily customizable and allows you to change anything and everything to suit your exact needs. 列出 PowerPoint for Windows Mobile 帮助主题,并提供指向这些主题的链接。
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13.04.2020 Microsoft PowerPoint Mobile is the best app for reviewing, delivering, and creating presentations on Windows phones and tablets (with a screen size of 10.1 inches or smaller). *On January 12, 2021 this app will reach End of Support on phones using Windows 10 Mobile. Learn more at https://aka.ms/OfficeWindows10MobileEOS.* Скачать Microsoft PowerPoint для Windows 10 бесплатно на русском. Повер Пойнт - программа на Виндовс 10 для создания презентаций, не требует активацию. PowerPoint Viewer is a Office and Business Tools application like Ebook Reader, Movavi PDF, and PDFelement from Microsoft Corporation. It has a simple and basic user interface, and most importantly, it is free to download. PowerPoint Viewer is an efficient software that is recommended by many Windows … If you have Windows 10 on your computer, you can install PowerPoint Mobile to view presentations. Use PowerPoint in a web browser If you have a Microsoft account (hotmail.com, outlook.com, live.com, msn.com) or an Microsoft 365 work or school account, you can view and edit a presentation for free …
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